Listed below are a few different ways to give to Calvary Assembly of God.  We ask that you seek God's guidance when giving and paying your tithes.  We know God will give Calvary the resources needed to better His kingdom and reach anyone who needs the Lord in their lives.

Tithes is strictly for paying your tithes of 10% per Malachi 3:8-12

The general fund is used for miscellaneous needs and to meet our obligations to the city and other entities that provide a service to Calvary for daily operations and serving the community.

The Building Fund will be drawn from to meet the needs of the physical building of Calvary.

The Student Ministries Fund is strictly for 12 to 18 year old students of Calvary.  It will be used for providing a weekly meal on Wednesdays and for any other needs the Student Ministries may have.

The Missions Fund is used to help support our missionaries who are all over the world spreading the word of God and serving others.

The Women's Ministry Fund will be used to meet the needs of the ladies of Calvary and other family needs of the church.